I have just heard about this terrible news regarding the death of Jon Borwein. It’s a real pity and big loss for the optimization community! Even if I didn’t know him personally please send my condolences to his family and friends! [3 Aug 2016, Hector Ramírez Cabrera, CMM, University of Chile]
What terrible and unexpected sad news. It is really hard to process. I was in contact with Jon a few days ago. My condolences to Judy and his daughters. We will miss you…. [3 Aug 2016, Alejandro Jofre, CMM, University of Chile]
Terrible news and terrible loss. Difficult to reconcile with: Jon was by far the liveliest person in our community. [3 Aug 2016, Alexander Ioffe, Technion]
I am very regretful about this sad news which is also completely surprising for me. We have lost a brilliant mathematician with an open mind for new ideas and a good touch towards his colleagues. I suggest a common statement of regret in the name of all participants of the MODU workshop to be sent to the family of Jon Borwein. [3 Aug 2016, Robert Baier, University of Bayreuth]
I am so shocked! A Spanish colleague and friend was with Jon in London (Ontario) these days, and he gave me the terrible news. Unbelievable: two months ago we were enjoying his company, with Judy, in Alicante! This a terrible loss in all the aspects, science, friendship, humanity, etc. His leadership in our community cannot be replaced. My deep condolences to all the community and, very specially, to his wife Judy and all his family. He left us and we feel lonely. [3 Aug 2016, Marco Lopez, University of Alicante]
So sad to hear the terrible news about Jon. Being in Antofagasta in COMCA conference, we have dedicated a loving tribute to Jon. Certainly, by his contribution to the area he will continue alive and his influence will be the landmark for the future generations of optimization. Please Alex transmit my thoughts to his family and friends. [4 Aug 16, Abderrahim Hantoute, CMM, University of Chile]
We are all pretty shocked and saddened by Jon’s death. He will be dearly missed. [8 Aug 16, Russell Luke, Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, University of Göttingen]