[This is a talk by Michael Rose at a memorial service for Jonathan Borwein in Newcastle, Australia on 21 September 2016.]
It was my very great privilege to be one of Jon’s students for 5 years, one of over 70 postgraduate and postdoctoral scholars who Jon took under his wing, and after speaking with a few others it’s clear that you can take what I’m about to say and more or less multiply it by 70, there’s a lot of shared experience. You have heard much about Jon the extraordinary mathematician, and now I would like to tell you about
Continue reading A mathematical family man (by Michael Rose)
[Talk by Brailey Sims at the Jon Borwein Memorial Service, 21 September 2016, Newcastle, Australia.]
This is a sad yet vital occasion. It serves to remind us of Jon the person and Jon the achiever and to look forward to the massive legacy he has left for us. But, it also helps drive home the stark and dreadful reality that we are now living in a post Jon world. As Jon steamed full speed-ahead we have for many years gyred and gymbled — two of Jon’s favourite words — in the bow waves he generated, now the juggernaut has passed
Continue reading My older and much wiser brother (by Brailey Sims)
Talk by Naomi Borwein at Jonathan Borwein’s funeral, 10 August 2016.
Jonathan was a complicated figure, of profound and intense contradiction, and a formidable and DEVOTED father. He cared deeply, thought deeply, and felt deeply about most things. A lot of people will be discussing the impact and scope of Jon’s academic output or his sheer brilliance — his genius. But, year after year his work evolved as I watched from the sidelines. So, I am going to share a snapshot of Jon as a fixture of my daily life, through the lens of the everyday.
A ubiquitous aspect of
Continue reading My father (by Naomi Borwein)
Talk by Sarah Borwein at the funeral of Jonathan Borwein, August 10, 2016:
My Brother Jon
Jon was a brilliant man. We all know that. I can’t speak about his work or the incredible impact I know he had on the world of mathematics. I knew Jon very simply as my big brother. When I was very small, and he was still Jonathan not Jon, I couldn’t pronounce his name properly, so I called him Jofnan. I don’t think I ever went rock-fishing with him, but I do have a vague memory of him taking me swimming in the North
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Talk by Peter Borwein at the funeral of Jonathan Borwein, August 10, 2016 (read by Sarah Borwein):
My brother Jon was a remarkable and unusual talent. He was also an unusual and remarkable brother.
I have fond memories of growing up with Jon, as young boys in St. Andrews, Scotland.
An early memory of Jon is of us fishing off the pier in St. Andrews with our dad David. We would catch rock cod, and make my mother Bessie clean them and make fish cakes. This delighted Jon.
He and I also spent much of our childhood with
Continue reading My brother Jon (by Peter Borwein)
Talk by David H. Bailey at the funeral of Jonathan M. Borwein, 10 August 2016, in London, Ontario, Canada:
As the other speakers have emphasized, Jon Borwein, unlike most academics, was not content to simply focus on his own narrow research. Instead, Jon was always eager to share his results as broadly as possible, and to identify aspects of his research that would appeal to a much larger audience.
Along this line, in 1984, when Jon and Peter Borwein had just discovered some new formulas for computing pi and other basic math functions, they wrote an article for SIAM Review,
Continue reading He left this world a better place (by David Bailey)